Friday, June 09, 2006

Magnetic Implants

If you watch slashdot, you may have noticed this article. Incase you didn't, or passed it by, check this out:


Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Intel Mac

Pretend you go to a car dealership. You tell them you're looking for a car, the salesman is like (in a voice like Cheech Marin), "Yeah man, we've got the best cars. These cars are the fastest and most reliable anywhere. Our engines and transmissions and valves and stuff, they go so fast, and we have like, 7 star crash test ratings, and everything, and it's so hot and the ladies will love it!"

So you buy the car. A couple years go by, and you go to the same dealership looking to upgrade. The dealer approaches you: "Hey man! We've got the best cars! They have these new engines made by [the competition] and they go so fast! They're up to 4x faster than our old engines! And we've got a blah blah blah"

What this says to me, in short is "Yeah, we used to sell with these parts, but now we use the competitions parts, and they're so much better. All those years we were using the other parts? Yeah, we were fucking you." That's what I see every time I see a Mac ad now.

Now, don't get me wrong. Mac OSX: So much better than windows. I even like it better than Vista, which hasn't even been released yet. I'm not totally against Mac. But their hardware before was crap, even they admit it now. And their hardware now, is the same shit you can buy off the shelf for a third the price. What don't you get? A plastic case that looks like something out of Logan's Run.

So their OS is good, and their hardware is over priced. Why am I still typing? What I just hate, is people who are still buying from this company that rapes its customers. Don't tell me you buy it because you can't get it anywhere else. That's not true. The OS is the only thing you can't get anywhere else (legally), and you can even download it off the net if you really want it. The look? The style? If that's what you want, hey man, if you've got the money, go for it, but don't forget to send some my way too. A guy's gotta pay for college. And don't get all defensive on me and bring up Microsoft. Microsoft and Apple both have the same amount of money from me. I'll let you guess what that figure is. Heck, with KDE 3.5, there's no point in even using Windows anymore, other than games.

My point? If I've informed you of nothing in this entry, If I've not given you any new insights into my personality, If I've not made you question your hardware or software choices, or your brand associations, At the very least, I hope you clicked on the link to Cheech Marin, and got to see that great picture. Doesn't it look like he's trying to look around you? He's all like: Hey man, who's that behind you there? They got any weed?

Getting Spammed

On my old, self-hosted blog, about a month ago, a spammer found me. I'd been using the tools built into Serendipity to attempt to manage the spam, but it takes quite a bit of time to get things configured properly, something I'm still working on, for experience's sake.

Since they started attacking me, I've recieved over 400 spam comments, mainly for online drugs, and gambling. Some of them seem to be specifically targeted towards my area of Ohio, mentioning casinos that are nearby. It's actually quite interesting.

Anyway, this is nothing new, but what kills me is that in order for it to be worth while for these spammers to clutter up my little no-name, backwater blog, somebody has to be clicking on these links. I don't mean on my blog, specifically, but on small blogs like mine. Somewhere, Aunt Fanny is going to Little Jimmy's blog, seeing an ad for casino discounts, clicking on it, and buying something, or giving her info, or something like that. If nobody did that, it wouldn't be worth spamming, and I wouldn't have to clean up my damn blog.

There's something to be said for non-user-friendly systems. They'd sure help to root out the trouble makers.