Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dating in Highschool

This is the best way I've ever seen this put:

And then one day your bud tells you he met a girl, and you’re like “awesome,” because now you’re going to be hanging out with your bud AND an awesome babe. Because any girl your bud is willing to go out with must be an awesome babe, right? And then you meet her, and you’re like “what the hell?” because it turns out way different than you wanted.

It's from Something Awful. I just read it and thought, ' Exactly.'

Also, I never know if highschool is one word, or two, but who really gives a shit? Like, if you're that bothered that I separate it, or keep it as one word, whichever is wrong, go choke on something.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Google Image Labels

Ok, so give this one a shot. Good time killer, kinda fun, and you can tell your boss you're just increasing the accuracy of your search results, which as we all know, is critical to good research and performance and whatnot.

Google Image Labeler

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ripple Effect

I've never liked the analogy that an event is like a drop, causing a ripple that spreads out and expands forever, because I don't think it really captures what an event is, in terms of time. Yes, an event has an effect which spreads out from where it started, presumably at the speed of light, but when you let a drop of water fall on a lake, as the ripple spreads, it doesn't change the water, and eventually the water falls still again. This isn't the case with an event.

Like if I go out into the street, and hurl a rock at a car, this will cause a presumably infinite cascade of events. The person in the car will stop it, get out, and from that point on, their entire life has been altered, traffic patterns have been altered, thus altering other peoples lives, different people will be involved in accidents, maybe the person will be more angry tonight and break something, or eat a different food to make them feel better, a stocker will have to replace an item purchased, whatever. While the event of me throwing a rock will eventually be forgotten, the event permanantly changes possibly everything, until it's overridden by a larger event, say...the new supercollider accidentally making a black hole which destroys the earth.

Anyway. Some crap emo song made me think of that.

Dream, Tuesday, Jan 23rd

I had a dream last night. Here we go:

I went to Electronics Boutique (EB Games, now), and they had a bunch of Wii's. I got one, bundled with a Kirby game, and left. In the parking lot, I ran into Charles Bronson, who had setup a stand and was watching fireworks. I took a seat with him, and chatted, and then a man ran towards us, trying to kill Bronson. The man running towards us was hit by a train before he got up here, and Bronson told me to go check the body. His pockets were full of 'tent making' materials (a tent, and patches for holes in the tent). On my way back to Bronson's stand, I noticed a man hiding under his stand, and then I woke up.

Never did get to play Kirby.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Indian Traffic

Wow. This clip was sent to me by my uncle, who pointed out how it makes L.A. traffic look...organized! I have never driven in L.A., but I remember being on the freeway as a child, and yes, it looks quite civilized compared to this:

Traffic Intersection in India

Something to note, though, is that despite what appears to be a complete lack of signage, lanes, and a traffic light, and apparently a lack of traffic laws, or at least compliance for them, things flow fairly well in this short clip. I guess this is mainly due to the reduced speed, and the lack of morons driving around in SUV's, but it makes me think.

Watch the right side of the screen in the middle at 0:45, where a car and a guy on a bike go head-to-head.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Damn Coworkers

It's funny how you can say anything you want to a complete stranger, and anything you want to a best friend, but the people in between, it's like they think they deserve some kind of respect for some reason.