Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Indian Traffic

Wow. This clip was sent to me by my uncle, who pointed out how it makes L.A. traffic look...organized! I have never driven in L.A., but I remember being on the freeway as a child, and yes, it looks quite civilized compared to this:

Traffic Intersection in India

Something to note, though, is that despite what appears to be a complete lack of signage, lanes, and a traffic light, and apparently a lack of traffic laws, or at least compliance for them, things flow fairly well in this short clip. I guess this is mainly due to the reduced speed, and the lack of morons driving around in SUV's, but it makes me think.

Watch the right side of the screen in the middle at 0:45, where a car and a guy on a bike go head-to-head.

1 comment:

  1. Now post a video of Miami students in Oxford. That should get a laugh.
