Monday, August 27, 2007

GLUT Installation in Windows XP 64-Bit

If you're trying to install all the files needed to develop with GLUT in Windows XP Pro 64-bit edition, the directions need a slight update. Don't put the glu32.dll file into C:\WINDOWS\System32. Instead, put it in C:\Windows\SysWOW64.

Pain in the ass to figure out. I honestly didn't think SysWOW64 was anything important. What the hell is wrong with calling it System64? SysWOW64? If we ever have 128 bit windows I'm sure it'll be C:\Windows\SysROFLCOPTER128LOL

Monday, August 13, 2007

Things Going Wrong...

It's funny how sometimes you can feel like you've got everything under control, and everything is going fine, and then BOOM, all of a sudden everything falls apart.

Today, I was eating some Doritos, and doing a little coding, and not really paying much attention. So anyway, I reach into the bag, and out of the corner of my eye it looks like I've pulled out one of the Doritos that's like, bent over itself, so it's got a curl in it. So I hold it gently, but oh no! It's not one bent over itself, it's really two, so as I release my grip on it, the second dorito starts to slip, so I tighten my grip, and break both the chips in half. There were like, 4 Dorito pieces on my lap, and one on the floor. Funny how life sneaks up on you like that.

Speaking of...Were there ever just 'Doritos'? Like, they have different flavors now, but I feel like when they first came out, they were just Doritos, and they had like, original flavor or something, and over time, fact became legend, and legend became myth, and myths were all but forgotten, and now nobody knows the truth. Anyway...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Note To Directors...

What the hell is up with casting both Kevin Bacon, and a guy who looks exactly like Kevin Bacon in the same damn movie? So I can't tell who is who, and what the hell is going on?

Think about that next time. Like, get one guy with bright red hair, and another who is bald. Then when somebody is talking, I'll know why there's somebody invisible in the research station or whatever the hell the deal is.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Not Today Motherfucker

Probably the best thing I've ever seen on YouTube that doesn't involve rabbits or sealife: Not Today Motherfucker