Friday, October 05, 2007

Ninja Skills

I have a very special story for all of you today.

So I was walking down the hall today, and two grad students were walking in front of me. One was carrying 4 big ass drinks, and the other had a pizza. So they're walking down the hall, and the one carrying the drinks drops a straw, and doesn't notice it. So I snag the straw, and while he's trying to get in the door to the grad lab, I sneak the straw back on top of the drinks. The dude never even saw me.

So then the other grad student is like, "Hey, you want some pizza?", obviously impressed with my stealthy skills. I had to decline, sadly, because I was on the run to my next class, but that's just a taste of how sneaky I can be. Even impresses the grad students. Not that I like to brag...

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