Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wax & Wane

So it's Wednesday, and these beers aren't going to drink themselves. I figure while I'm at it, I may as well wax philosophical with you for a few, and share some of my thoughts, and maybe a little about myself. Why drink on a Wednesday? Well, Wednesday is 'Hump Day'. Do you have any idea how long it took me to understand what that meant? Let me tell you: MORE THAN 25 YEARS SO FAR.

So I did come through on one of my threats so far, and I bought the iPod Touch. Let me tell you something. Some purchases, you're like, 'Eh, that's a lot of money, I'm not sure if it's worth it, or a good time to buy', or some shit like that. That was me. But wow. This thing is fucking pretty sweet. I am literally more awesome because I own this thing. This isn't a sales pitch, but hear me out: First off, this thing is an iPod, which is awesome, and I've not had an iPod which plays music before, BUT, it's more. And I'm not going to tell you about spending your money on some retarded applications for it or dumb shit like that. The deal is this... it's got wireless, and email/web. That means when I'm hanging out, and somebody says some sly shit, trying to sneak one past Big Dave, I just flick out the Touch, open wikipedia, and lay them out strait. Or, check my email to see if any fly ladies are trying to hit me up for some gentlemanly advice. Or, you know. Whatever dumbass shit you do on the net. Not only that, but before on my old iPod, I had 2 Gig. Now don't get a man wrong. 2 Gig is a lot of memory. Still today. If you can't put it on 2 gig, then you probably need to go optimize that shit, or you've got a lot of porn, or it's a game. So 2 gig is cool, but once you've got 32 gig, well you realize that maybe 2 gig was holding you back. My original iPod musical catalog was just that, 2 gig, but now on this new baby, I've added another gig of awesome songs. That's value you can count, baby. Over one billion bytes worth. And I do enjoy that extra music.

I haven't gone for the camera or the shoes yet, because I had to go take my car to the shop for some fixing, so I'm going to give it some time for the camera, and honestly... I don't fucking care about shoes. Really, of all the shit a person wears, who the shit looks at their shoes? I'll tell you who. People who are looking down at the ground all the time, and those people don't necessitate me throwing down any money.

What else can I rap about tonight? I've got some beers here which were actually brewed by a friend of Amber's, and they're really quite good. Like, I'd buy this in the store, for sure. As long as it wasn't too expensive. A man's got to be careful about what he spends on getting wasted, because there are more important things. Like a new camera.

Does anybody have the Marley version of 'I shot the sheriff' that doesn't suck ass? Because I've got the version off of his greatest hits, and it's fucking crap. If you do, please shoot me an email, or message me, or whatever. Seriously, it's an awesome song, and this version is so bad it's tainting my image of the man.

I think what this post really comes down to, is that particularly in hard economic and political times like these, it's important to focus on what is awesome in life. So go do that.

Economic Stimulus Package

Sorry for the short update, but I just wanted to take a minute and say how glad I am that the economic stimulus package worked. Oh wait... where'd all that fucking money go?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Economic Status Report: Market Crash

It is no shock to most people that the stock market is totally fucked. We've had Bush for 8 years, after all. But while most people are running around like idiots, worrying about money and retirement, they ignore one of the strongest fundaments of our society: The market is bad, so instead of saving your money, go buy some shit.

That's right. There has never been a better time in history to just buy shit. I mean, what else are you going to do with the money? Lose it? Here are some things I plan to buy, while there's nothing better to do with money:
iPod Touch
Canon Rebel XSi
Nike Shox with Nike + iPod

I encourage you to make your own list, then go buy stuff. You're going to die soon.