Thursday, July 08, 2010

I am blogging about the behaviors of our new asian neighbors

Some time previous to now, the house across the street from us was occupied by people of the asian persuasion. Having today noticed this, I am now monitoring their behavior in an attempt to gain insight into their culture. My observations have been remarkable:

Several nights ago, they put their garbage out at the street corner. Since when I look out of the window their house is the first I see, I naturally assumed it was garbage night. The next afternoon, when no garbage trucks had appeared, and nobody else on the street had their garbage out, I discovered their treachery. They had tricked me into thinking it was garbage night for some reason, but the real mystery begins only now:

Nights ago, when they put their garbage out, they put out a cardboard box as well. While later, their garbage disappeared for some reason, the cardboard box did not. Why? What is in that box that made them determine to leave it at the curb, while all the other garbage was taken away? Is there a law about going through garbage? I will find out.

Observation 2: They are a fertile people. They have at least two kids, and possibly more, and it looks like they could still decide to have more. This leads me to believe that their house contains a multitude of bedrooms, and possibly no shared living space.

The appear to shop at Old Navy.

Their house is pointing the opposite direction of ours, which would seem to indicate that we made an error in our Feng Shui.

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