Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Every day I venture deep into untold chasms of technology and innovation just for you, special reader, however, most days you're not important enough to me to take time out of my day to tell you about them.

Monday night I finally beat the game 'F.E.A.R.' I started it shortly after it came out, but only recently had the time to finish it. I'm not going to do a review, and I don't have fancy things like 'scoring systems' and 'awards' and 'numbers'. Anyway, most places beat the game in a day, and had a review out before the game was ever released. You don't need me to tell you what they already have.

I will say that even though I was playing it on an older generation video card (GeForce 6600GT), the game still looked beautiful. If you're having any trouble with frame rates, make sure you've got the latest nVidia drivers, and the .4 patch for F.E.A.R. Those two things helped me a great deal.

Anyway, if you haven't played (and finished) F.E.A.R. yet, and you have a computer that can support it (I wouldn't recommend running it with less than a 6600GT/6800), do it. While it didn't get the press of Doom3 or HalfLife2, it's certainly up there.

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