Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I'll Be Here For A Month

If you've made any attempt to keep up with my blogging, you'll know I've gone through a wide number of options in a short amount of time. This is my style. Stick with one thing too long, you get lazy. So here, in my latest move, you find me at blogger.com. blogger.com has long been a home to a lot of respectable blogs which I have used in the past for news, reviews, and technical advice. My personal reasons for adopting them are as follows, in no particular order:
  1. blogger.com is a google project. Google projects energize me. Open source, cutting edge...that's where I want to be. I've been using Google as my primary search engine for years now, and enjoy its reliability. I have also been using Gmail as my primary email for years, and like the direction that it continues to move in. Recently I've been using Google Groups to simplify how I work with newsgroups, and keep more up to date on the latest issues in the forums, and just today I began experimenting with Google Web Toolkit to solve some issues that have come up at work. I have yet to be let down by a Google project.
  2. Although I'm not under the illusion that my writings and ramblings are of major global significance, I spend time writing, and I want my words to be safe. Up until now, I have been hosting my blog on my own OpenSuSE computer using Serendipity. I love using OpenSuSE as a web server, as it is very stable, easy to setup and use, and cool to play with, but I admit that I need to keep learning and experimenting, and I don't want to be experimenting on a computer that contains important information. The in-house host moves to the out-house.
  3. My personally hosted blog receives about 60 hits a day right now, on average. 40 of those are from countries I have never heard of. While I'm glad that people from Chik'Chan'Baujewhe enjoy my blog, sometimes I do write things which could be useful to people, and the greater exposure offered by blogger will make those rare helpful things I write more available, and that just warms the cockles of my heart.
So as I move my blogging over here, my Linux computer will once again become a playground for me, where I will be trying out all kinds of crazy stuff, which I will be posting on here.

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