Saturday, April 14, 2007

vi vs. Eclipse

I have a beef. The beef is as follows:
There is nothing wrong with vi. It's a good editor that has withstood the test of time, provides an effective and efficient interface, and it's very universal and reliable. But this is not the 1970's. Actually, it's not the 1980's either. Or the 90's. And we're well past the year 2000. And vi is not enough for me.

When I code, I use Eclipse. I love it. I use it for Java, of course, and I have plugins for Ruby, C++, PHP, and general web development. I've also got a plugin for SVN, so if I'm working on a group project, bang! Everything is right where I want it.

Now, you might say, 'But Dave, you could write a script to do all of that, and vi has support for things also'. Ok, again, I have nothing against scripts. I like em. They do nice things. But I write scripts, when I want to write scripts. I don't want to write scripts most of the time. I want to get my work done. Code completion, outline views, jumping to different tidbits of interest...these are Eclipse things. And they're very nice.

Even basic things! If I'm working with a file that has lots of long lines of code, I double click a tab in eclipse, shift minus, and I have a fullscreen view with a 10pt font. You just can't do that in vi. And while it's nice to know how to do everything the basic, hardcore geek don't always know how to. If I have a GUI staring me in the face with a button that says 'revert', I can pretty much figure out what to do with it.

I guess my real feeling is that modern editors like Eclipse shouldn't be requirements, and they're not. I can write in notepad, vi, whatever. But they're nice, and there is nothing wrong with using them. They make things better, faster, cleaner, and if I ever find a transparency plugin for eclipse...sexier!

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