Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Incident

So some guy at Virginia Tech killed a bunch of people and wounded a bunch more. And everyone calls this a tragedy. Bullshit.

I remember, during my time in high school I remember lots of stories in the news about school shootings. Columbine is probably one of the most memorable. I believe that was the work of the trench coat mafia? Anyways, these kids who were shooting up highschools are in college now, and nothing has changed. There's no emotional or social education in schools, we still have the same groups of pricks hanging out, although we call them frats and sororities and that makes it ok.

This isn't a tragedy. Shit, I'd say it was predictable if it was something even worth predicting. It's common sense. And I won't be surprised when more if it happens, and I won't be shocked and traumatized because of the senseless loss of life. This is how things are. Period. If it's such a big deal to you, do something about it. Until then, I'll be watching my own ass.

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