Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cheetos Commercial (Don't join the underground)

I've been watching Comedy Central when I have off time in my room, and I just have to say, that Cheetos commercial where the girl is doing her laundry, and 'sees' the old Chester the Cheetah telling her to put Cheetos in the other girl's whites... yeah, that commercial rocks.

Also, don't bother going to the website that it points you to, because it sucks.  Big time.  But I do have to give the Cheetos company credit, because basically what it is, is they want you to engage in random acts of Cheetos.  It's like Project Mayhem, but without you know, any point.  But they're basically advocating using their product for something other than eating, which some would take as a sign of defeat, but I admire their extreme-ness.  Like, if you had a sandwich joint, and business wasn't so good, so you started trying to convince people that your sandwiches, like, if you carry them in a pocket, can protect you from being stabbed somewhat or something.  "I don't give a shit what you do with them, just buy the Cheetos!"


  1. You know, I respect your chops as a blogger, but where's the link? We don't have that commercial back here in the boondocks! :P

  2. Is it just me or does the old dude in the laundromat commercial look like Peter Fonda with a bad sunburn?

  3. I thought the commercial was funny -Until my students started committing "random acts of Cheetos", following the examples of the advertising campaign. Would you like your new laptop to have Cheetos ground into the screen and keyboard? The Frito-Lay company is inciting kids to vandalism, pure and simple. I'm launching a Cheetos boycott until the company changes its advertising.

    Join me at

  4. No disrespect, Anonymous guy, but what did you do to piss off your students enough that they're destroying your laptop?
