Thursday, December 25, 2008

Amber, seriously, you've got to get with the times

I'm writing this on my blog. Although normally I would twitter 140 characters about this, so far as I know you do not follow my Twitter, Amber. The point of this, is thus: Look what trouble you've caused.

My girlfriend said that my present this year depends on me being available on the 30th. This was fairly depressing for me, since I did not want to go see Grease. Also depressing was that I had asked for Fallout 3, and nobody got it for me. So here I am, instead of getting what I wanted, I have to be terrified because on the 30th I have to go see something that will be not great.

So, basically I'm a dumbass, despite all my intellect and great ideas and everything I've ever accomplished or thought of in my lifetime, which while not unsurpassed, is exceptional. My girlfriend got tickets to Spamalot for me. Which you can research on wikipedia. It's basically pretty much the sweetest present I've received since I got the lego monorail. I'm always impressed with how she always puts a personal touch into gifts, so that regardless of money, or my mood, or whatever, she always comes up with a gift that really makes me feel the love, but this year she has outdone herself. While this does mean I have to leave the house to enjoy the gift, this is pretty much the most awesome thing I can think of. More thanks to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Dave,

    I hear your call. But I'm not joining Twitter just so I can find out what you're thinking about. My ability to ask you trumps finding out through a text message.

    However, I do believe you should continue to amuse the masses, so I won't tell you to stop. Have fun!

    Love, Amber

    P.S. It's bookmarked now. :P
