Sunday, January 31, 2010


So tomorrow is my first official day of being unemployed. As you may or may not know, I have left my job at SproutBox. It was a great time, but times can not always be great, and by that I mean I left Indiana because I met my lover and now we live somewhere else and I'm going to go back to school for my masters.

So as not to become unproductive, I have a pretty sweet schedule for tomorrow:
Wake up when Heather wakes up (This varies depending on how many times she mumbles '10 more minutes')
Build $1200 worth of Ikea furniture
Buy a package for GRE test practice type stuff
Work on a library I'm making for Ruby demonstrating various mathematical principles
Buy dental floss

Yeah. Unemployed my ass. That's a workin' man's schedule. Also, I need to do some laundry up in here. Heather keeps stealing my jeans. To what end I do not know.

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