Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So I just realized that if I fought a midget while I was sitting in a chair, it would be a fair fight. Sorry, 'Little Person'. It's so hard to be politically correct anymore. I only recently realized that I was being racist by calling myself a 'cracker'. Someone would ask me how I was, and I'd say, 'This cracker is doing just fine.' Also, someone asked me if I was offended by racist jokes, and I realized that I probably was, but I wanted to hear the joke anyway, because what if it was funny?

That's what I'm writing about today. Individuality. Did you know, that on a daily basis, 3 individuals read my blog? And did you know that they're usually from Germany? I can only attribute this to one thing: People in Germany are pretty messed up. But that's what makes people individuals, in that we're all different and like different things. Duh.

Anyway, enough about that. I recently got back from a little bit of a vacation in Akron, Ohio. Now, you might ask, 'Dave, why Akron?' and if so, then god I wish you'd shut up. First off, a quarter of a million people live there. What do you think those quarter of a million people do for entertainment, huh? Paint? You think they're all painters and that's all they do, is paint? "What do people do in Akron?" "Oh nothing, all 250,000 of them just work and then paint, and then they throw the paintings away so as not to amass clutter." There's stuff to do in Akron. There's a university, so you could find out where the international student dorm is and watch French girls throw up, or if you were into sports, you could watch some dumbass game about a ball or something. But more importantly, there is good food in Akron, and guess what? I discovered a kickass new dish which I am going to share with you. It is Cheese and Sauce Appetizer. Here's the recipe:

Get some goat cheese
Get some Ragu or something
Put the goat cheese in a bowl or similar container, then put the Ragu on top of it. Nuke it or bake it until toasty, and then dig into it with some chips or pita pieces or bread or something.
*If you want to be fancy, you can make your own sauce from scratch, but lets face it, there's so many different kinds of spaghetti sauce anymore, what the hell is the point?

Boom. $6 and it's awesome. Don't say I never gave you anything. You shifty bastard.

1 comment:

  1. Great recipe but be careful it is very hot when it comes out of the microwave and you could easily drop it on the floor.
