Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Presentation Day

Today I had a big presentation to give in Software Engineering class. While only technically presenting to 6 people, this was by far the biggest presentation I've ever had to give, because the people weren't just noob students; they were important technology people from JPMorgan Chase, and some consulting firm. I know we did ok, and I feel like we did well, but I can't tell if we were great. Also, I don't know if I used the ';' mark correctly up there.

Anyway, presentations make me really nervous, so I was nervous for this presentation (that's an inference you should have been able to derive if you've made it through 8 weeks of Artificial Intelligence Class, but not all of us have). Got through it ok, and now I feel a lot better. Unfortunately, I have three tests this Thursday, and two of them promise to be quite difficult.

Jon and Sheena are back into World of Warcraft.

So there's an update on my life. Hope you're doing well too.

1 comment:

  1. I use the semicolon as a way to separate ideas in a sentence, but you should only use it if the part after it could be its own sentence. Disclaimer: I am not an English major.
