Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Kubuntu Feisty Installation Part 2

Ok, so I have Feisty installed, and nVidia drivers up and running. Next issue, I realized that my resolution was slightly off. 1184x1024 instead of 1280x1024, I believe. A quick fix:

System Settings > Monitor and Display > Hardware

My monitor was set to "generic". Entering Administrator Mode... and going into the hardware list, I found my monitor, selected it, selected the proper resolution, and everything was crystal clear.

Finally, I wanted to install Beryl. If you don't know what Beryl is, look it up. Makes OS X look like Apple has been sleeping for a year, and it makes Vista look just pitiful, which...it is. Beryl has a lot of fancy eye-candy, but it also has a lot of neat features to improve productivity once you know how to use them. Also, eye-candy isn't a bad thing. I can do what I do with or without Beryl, but with Beryl, I look good doing it.

So anyway, installing Beryl for Kubuntu was anything but painless. There exists a script on the Beryl Wiki which installs it, and places an icon on the desktop to start Beryl, but it does not auto start, and for the life of me, I can't get it to autostart, even with the directions on Beryl Wiki. So each time I boot into Kubuntu again, I have to manually start Beryl, which is worth it. But still.

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