Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Chacha.com basically blows. But I mention it here, because it's also neat.

At chacha.com, you can search, or you can search with a guide. The guide attempts to help you find what you're looking for, and gives you results. The guides are people who are actually paid to do this.

It seems like the quality of people they use for this is sub-par. Like, it would be neat if a service offered help for me to find stuff, because I generally can find what I want, and it's a special case that requires special knowledge. But this is for the average idiot, who doesn't know if you can do coke while you're pregnant, or what the answer to their homework is. So, it seems the people they hired are more attuned to that type of work, no offense. If it's beyond a quick google search and wikipedia, they're gonna come up empty.

I tried it twice, trying to get a picture of an amish person's face, something which google doesn't readily bring up, but I'm sure I could find if I dug a little deeper. The first person who tried to help me apparently thought I was some kind of prankster (which I am, although I was not doing so at the time) because after searching for a few minutes, they came back and said 'funny, very funny' and dropped my request.

The second person apparently found something, but it seems the results were supposed to show up, and because I'm using firefox (guessing?) they didn't. If it's not compatible with firefox, I'm just flat out not interested, because I am NOT using Internet Explorer.

Anyway, a cool premise, and worth a look, but I think this is generally a flunker.

1 comment:

  1. They probably found the picture of the girl "giving the amish face" to that guy...

    I'm sure they get a lot of requests for porn.
