Sunday, December 24, 2006

Spring Semester

Spring semester isn't really appropriately named. I mean, when I think of spring, I think of flowers blooming, and little bunnies, and that kind of stuff. But spring semester takes place significantly in January and February, which have a tendency to be snowy, and freakin-cold. No bunnies. Anyway...

I think I've got my classes all set. I'm taking a medium load this semester. I don't want to overdo it, but I can't take only 12 hours and graduate. So here's the lineup:

  • Stochastic Modeling - Sheena took this class a couple semesters ago, and I think it's just about creating models for various situations. Doesn't sound particularly fun to me, but we'll see. Open mind.

  • Advanced Database Systems - This is an interesting one, just because of the professor, who is quite a character. I enjoy databases, so this is a good one.

  • Intro To "C" Programming - This one I'm really taking for a number of reasons. First off, I tend to be an object-oriented person, which is fine, but you can't always do things that way. Hopefully this class gets into things enough to give me a little insight into non-oo ways. It never hurts to have C experience, regardless, so this is a good one to take. It's a low-level class, so hopefully it will help my GPA, and lastly, I already know someone in it, so I won't be sitting there alone if it turns out to be boring.

  • Software Systems Project - This is my 'senior capstone', which is supposed to make everything come together or be wonderful or something. I think we have a lot of freedom in this class, so hopefully it will be fun. This is also taught by a professor I kind-of know, and he's cool, so it should be good.

  • Algorithms - I've heard nightmare stories about this class. I think it really depends on the professor as to whether this is a cool class, or just a bunch of memorizing. As I don't know the professor...we'll have to see...

And that's it! 15 credit hours. After this, all I have left is chemistry, stats, and 2 electives, and I'll be ready to graduate! And then more school!!!

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