Saturday, September 22, 2007

2000 Eclipse Center Speaker Replacement

Hey everyone. I've been so busy, my google updates will continue midway through next week. For now, I'm just posting a bit of knowledge here for others to stumble upon, since I couldn't find any god damn instructions and had to bake in the hot sun in my car for about 30 minutes longer than I should have had to.

Replacing the center speaker in a 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse is not a difficult task, and requires only a short phillips head screwdriver, and a little muscle.

There are two screws located at the bottom of the center dash cover. Remove these screws using your short phillips screwdriver. The cover is now held in place by two clips at the top of the console, just below the clock. Pull strait back on the dash cover, and the clips will pop out, and the dash cover will be almost loose. Watch for the two metal clips to fly off of the cover as you remove it. You don't absolutely need these clips, but to do the job right, you'll want to make sure you don't lose them.

There will still be a cable connecting the hazard light button to the rest of the car. I recommend unplugging this cable from the console cover to make things easier.

The housing over the clock display now slides forward, however it is held in place by two more clips, and has to be muscled out. Pull the clock housing straight back, and with a little muscle, the clips will release and the housing will be removed.

The speaker is now visible behind the clock. You can remove the clock to make things easier. Unplug the cable leading to the speaker, and simply pull the center speaker straight out, looking at the speaker orientation as you do. Place the new speaker in using the same orientation, plug it back in, and start reassembling your car!

EDIT: Ok, I also submitted this to, which might be a little more visible. Still, I live my life in my own way if I want, so if you don't like what I write, then I bite my thumb at you.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Google Blog - Indespensable

So I showed up to work this morning at 10, and everyone was wondering where I was yesterday! I'm already so important. Being here is like, pretty amazing. Today I got to meet people who work in the satelite mapping division, and see some of the new technologies they're developing, like a giant 3d globe that updates in real time to changes in terrain. I wanted to take some pictures of it for you guys since it's like, 3 stories tall and if you get really close you can see all the tiny buildings and if there's a big fire somewhere or a football game going on, but they said I couldn't take pictures since it was secret, so I just pretended to call my aunt Jamima and took more covert pictures. This is really the only one that came out at all. I got the fly the satelites for a few minutes, and OH MY GOD! I almost crashed two of them together. Nah, I'm just kidding. I didn't break anything. Yet.

So today I figure I need to start doing something with all the computers in my office. I don't really have any good ideas yet. I thought about making some kind of crazy server, but we already have thousands of those, and I thought about just putting Quake2 on every one and making like, a game lab, but we already have one of those in another building, they tell me. Anyway, I'll come up with something.

That's all for now! I've got to get to work using the greatest minds in the universe to come up with amazing new ideas!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Google Blog - Minor Setbacks

Hey everyone. First off, an apology for not posting more and sooner today. Allow me to explain:

I didn't really get much sleep last night, because at about 3:30 in the freakin morning, the neighbors cat clawed its way through the screen in my window and into my room, and just started tearing all my stuff up and shitting everywhere. I finally got it tazered and put it back outside like, an hour and a half later. So anyway, this morning I was all out of sorts and I couldn't remember where I put my directions to google HQ, and I didn't feel like Googling up a map, so I just left and figured I could find it. Well, I couldn't, and like, after driving around for 2 hours, I stopped at a jack in the box for a beer and a burger, and then figured I might as well ask for directions. So I find this woman walking down the street and stop to ask her for directions, but just as I was opening my mouth I started to choke on my burger, and I think she must have thought I was rabid or something because she maced me.

So anyway, I would have called my work-partner Rex and told him that I wasn't coming in, but by that time it was already 5, so I said screw it and headed back home. Hopefully I'll have better updates tomorrow.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Google Blog - Search Work

Here at google they feel like it's best if I use my skill of the scientist to determine where I can be most effective on my own. I noticed early on that while lots of people were programming and drawing diagrams and whatnot, but not so many people were searching, so I figured that's a niche I could fill. Anyway, I spent most of the day searching for free music, and this is what I came up with. Have a gander:

Once I'm done browsing YouTube I'm going to head home. Now that's what I call the successful first day.

Google Blog - Getting Settled

I wanted to get an early start on things my first day here at Google, so I decided to show up at 10:00. Already the campus is buzzing with activity as massive brains solve problems and create the search engines of the future.

We don't have bosses or managers here, and I was greeted by my work-partner Rex Stamen who helped me pick out my work area. He asked what kind of setup I wanted, to which I simply replied 'A Bazillion Computers'. He tried to argue that a bazillion wasn't even a real number, but I set him strait by telling him that a google isn't a real number either, but we're working for it, and to shut the hell up. So here I am! I haven't bothered to count how many computers I have yet, but it's probably a bazillion.

In an effort to set a good example and save power and resources, I'm not going to turn any of them on. I also complained about the florescent lighting. It really bugs my eyes, so I'm going to try and find a mop to reach up there and knock them all out.

My Google Blog

Ever wondered what it's like to work at Google? Wondered how the big dogs play while you're pecking away at a keyboard in your cubicle? Well wonder no more, because thanks to my awesome skills of a negotiator, and my camera phone, I'll be taking you inside of Google for a glimpse of the good life.

As I begin my ultra fast sprint style deluxe internship at Google, I'll be blogging in real-time about how business gets done when the largest minds in the world are all put into one building, giving you the inside scoop on what kinds of awesome projects are going on, and how they're getting done!

So follow me now, as I begin my learning and working experience inside the most mysterious building in all of Mountain View, CA! I hope you're excited. I can hardly contain myself!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Christian Pirate Autopsy

The only way this could be better is if the guy on the left was Jack Black

Check out this Christian Pirate Autopsy, courtesy of my friend Pat.

"This young man is in very serious condition." Like most people being autopsied are just peachy?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Tales from the Geology Building

There was a girl in the geology building today with a WWJD shirt, and under the WWJD, it said "Where Would Jesus Dig?". It's really a harder question, because 'What Would Jesus Do' changes depending on the situation, but where would he dig? Well there's one, and only one answer to that. And I don't know it. And that's assuming he would dig at all. It's hard to believe he could go throughout life without digging for any reason though.

Also, we have the world's largest Trilobyte in the geology building, but sadly, it's dead.