Monday, September 17, 2007

Google Blog - Getting Settled

I wanted to get an early start on things my first day here at Google, so I decided to show up at 10:00. Already the campus is buzzing with activity as massive brains solve problems and create the search engines of the future.

We don't have bosses or managers here, and I was greeted by my work-partner Rex Stamen who helped me pick out my work area. He asked what kind of setup I wanted, to which I simply replied 'A Bazillion Computers'. He tried to argue that a bazillion wasn't even a real number, but I set him strait by telling him that a google isn't a real number either, but we're working for it, and to shut the hell up. So here I am! I haven't bothered to count how many computers I have yet, but it's probably a bazillion.

In an effort to set a good example and save power and resources, I'm not going to turn any of them on. I also complained about the florescent lighting. It really bugs my eyes, so I'm going to try and find a mop to reach up there and knock them all out.

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