Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Google Blog - Minor Setbacks

Hey everyone. First off, an apology for not posting more and sooner today. Allow me to explain:

I didn't really get much sleep last night, because at about 3:30 in the freakin morning, the neighbors cat clawed its way through the screen in my window and into my room, and just started tearing all my stuff up and shitting everywhere. I finally got it tazered and put it back outside like, an hour and a half later. So anyway, this morning I was all out of sorts and I couldn't remember where I put my directions to google HQ, and I didn't feel like Googling up a map, so I just left and figured I could find it. Well, I couldn't, and like, after driving around for 2 hours, I stopped at a jack in the box for a beer and a burger, and then figured I might as well ask for directions. So I find this woman walking down the street and stop to ask her for directions, but just as I was opening my mouth I started to choke on my burger, and I think she must have thought I was rabid or something because she maced me.

So anyway, I would have called my work-partner Rex and told him that I wasn't coming in, but by that time it was already 5, so I said screw it and headed back home. Hopefully I'll have better updates tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. lmao dave. your my hero. If you really choked on a burger and got maced for it I am honestly impressed. When did you move to Cali?? Is it permanent? Did Chem girl go with you? I guess this means we wont be hanging out any time soon... By the way... My boyfriend is completely jealous. He works at AAA in their IT dept... I think I know where his resume will be going... :o) Let me know how life is!!

