Thursday, April 17, 2008

Great Advancements In Human Achievement

I have been alive for a god damn long time. Over a year, to give you a better idea. And in that time, I have seen many advancements in human achievement. Those advancements, I like to categorize into two categories: Genius, and Dumb-ass. I will elaborate:

Genius: The electric/hybrid car is a concept that has been around for a long time. Years and years ago, people saw the potential of this machine, and over the past many years, thanks to Great Advancements in Human Achievement, we have overcome the technological hurdles which stood in the way. Now, although dumb motherfuckers still opt to make hybrid SUV's, we have the electric and hybrid car! Genius!

Dumb-ass: For many years now, laundry detergent, or 'soap' as I like to call it, has been available in big honking containers, because it is diluted. This means you buy a big fucking jug of soap, and go through it fast, because it's mostly water, and you have to put a bunch in the laundry. Now, thanks to Great Advancements in Human Achievement, we have double concentrated laundry detergent! This means you only need to use half as much and can either buy a smaller bottle, or get more at a time. What boundaries of science did we have to overcome to have this amazing technology? STOP ADDING FUCKING WATER TO IT, DUMB-ASS.

1 comment:

  1. "dumb motherfuckers" make hybrid suv's because people need to tow thing, people that work on ranches or people that own boats or people that need to pull trailors of equipment. Most people can't afford 2 cars for themselves but even if they could the extra cost for most hybrid cars on the road takes years to be made up by the better milage however the best example of this is the chevy tahoe so ur suv criticicism isn't without merit, but the opposite is the mercury mariner. My point is people do need suv's because they can do things normal cars can't people have times when they need 300 horses. If u knew jack shit about economics you'd know that's why they get sold. Not every person can sit in front of a fucking computer exercising their fingers and building their ego on a blog like you, jack ass.
