Sunday, September 28, 2008

Education Hour

Thank you for stopping in on my blog. For the next hour, I will be explaining the entomology of variations of the term 'homosexual'. I have been reading books since the 1600s, and am lingually competent in over almost half a dozen dialects. This post is not meant to be derogatory in any way to people of the same-people loving pursuasion. It is not well known, but I actually do not care about what people like, or do with other people, or anything really. I just absolutely do not give a shit about what any of you do. You could go fuck a beehive for all I care, and I really would not even notice. Like it'd be tuned out. This post is simply for the purpose of education, so that you do not have to travel to England and search the Tomb of Muntabi for ancient scripts which reveal true meaning. You can sit there and read. You lazy ass.

Faggot - Perhaps the most well known of terms we will be discussing here tonight, it is commonly known that the term Faggot actually means 'a bundle of sticks'. Assuming you know the male anatomy, that explains the sticks part. Now, to complete the desiccation of this word, we must reverse-pluralize. If there were many sticks together, that might be assumed to be a bundle, which is an efficient way to carry such an item. Then by combining the plural sticks into one bundle, you get a faggot. Don't think about it too hard.

Sword Fighter - This one is kind of hard to explain. Like just if two guys were nekkid... and like, just imagine a sword fight. You might figure it out. I'm not going to really go into this.

Butt Pirate - Also not really easy to explain. I'm going to skip.

Fudge Packer - Some of these are just not easy to talk about.

Pole Smoker - Ok, so this one is dooable. If we go back to the faggot one... that's like, we talked about sticks, right? And if you smoked a stick or something... never mind.

Queer - Queer means strange, from latin or some shit, and Catholics think gay people are strange, so there you go.

Homo - Can't figure this one out, really. The nearest I can get is a transformation of 'holo', from the latin 'holographus' or 'to-write'. So maybe like, supposing that gay people write more than strait people? But then I'm not sure how that's derogatory.

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