Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fall 2006

I'm on a roll. Two posts in one night. That's because I'm putting off some homework. I work better under pressure anyways. So this is the start of my 6th year in college. Here's what I've got on my plate so far:

Computer Architecture - This is taught by Dr. Rao, who I've had before. Dr. Rao cracks me the hell up. This is a particularly good thing, because I already took the second part of the class, and I think I already know most of what we're going to cover, so he will keep me entertained and things will still be interesting. Rao is a good prof. Anyone who says different, I cut their face. Also good, I have that class with Sheena.

Software Engineering - I guess this is like CSA470j on steroids, and with team work. The professor, Dr. Kiper, seems pretty cool so far, and the work seems interesting. I guess since this is the senior capstone, they expect you to kill yourself working on the projects and whatnot. We'll see. I think the prof will make things fun enough that I don't have to kill anyone, since I sure as hell am not going after myself. Also good, I have that class with Sheena.

Compiler Design - I dreaded this class. Compiler Design is like...I don't know. Something I don't want to do. Like, if I could have any tech job, I think compiler design would be my last freakin pick. Writing in assembly is cool. Writing in higher level languages is cool. If I want to translate between the two, I'll do it in my mind, or just use the right language to begin with. Anyway. It looks like it is actually going to be pretty interesting. Also good, I have that class with Sheena.

Database Systems - To be totally honest, the first day of class, when the professor walked into the room, I was very concerned. The professor was an old dude with a name I couldn't pronounce, and he sat there and just looked over us all while we waited. Turns out, he's pretty cool, and he cracks a funny every now and then that busts everyone up. This is an interesting class because there is a group of business students in the back. Business students = hot chicks. Since I've been working with databases since...well crap...since I was like...12? I'm not too worried about the class, and maybe I'll pick up a tutoring opportunity along the way ;) Probably not though. This class I have with Jon, who is Sheena's ex. He's a smart dude, and he's got a good sense of humor, so I like him. It'll make things fun. Additionally, I sit next to a girl who helps out at an animal shelter down in Cincy, so she's good people. And there's a guy in the front row I say hi to also, his name is either Jim or Tom. I'm going to go with Tom.

Intro to Artificial Intelligence - This class is too god damned big. In a class where you deal with abstract issues like computers thinking, you need small classes for discussion. Whoever put 33 people in this class needs a punch to the head. Also, the professor hands out everything on paper. I do not want to carry around a bunch of paper. I'm a computer science major, not some kind of crap major where you collect shit in folders and lug it around in a backpack and file it in folders and staple things together. The content is interesting though, and the professor seems like a nice guy, so I'm dealing. Also good, I have that class with Sheena.

Probability - Probability is math. What can I say? I like math, but don't exactly like doing homework and taking tests, so it's neutral. The class it a little dry, but like I said, it's math, so I don't know what I expect. Tom is in this class.

So all in all, a good semester ahead, I think! No real complaints. We'll see though. It's still early.

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