Friday, August 18, 2006

The Progression of Relational Experience

That's just some BS I came up with on the fly. Somebody should write a book and use that title, and give me 4 cents for each copy sold.

So recently one of my friends got dumped by one of my acquaintances.

One of the hardest relationships to maintain, IMHO, is when you are friends with two people, and they're dating. Because inevitably, one of them has a problem with the other, and they want to confide in you, and you're like...either keeping secrets from your other friend, or triangulating for their problems. Either way, not good. It's different if they're married, because you can just laugh at them because of the predicament they are in, but not with dating. Not that that is related to the dumping mentioned above...That's just a thought of mine.

Anyway, you know, what can you say to someone when they get dumped? Anyone who has been there knows that nothing really makes it better. Maybe temporarily, but if you had a good relationship, it's generally a fairly long period of grief, unless you've been cheating and you're over things right away because you're dicking with some schmuck with eyes that are too close together.

At least the reason for that grief is from a loss, and to have a loss, you have to have had something in the first place, and the reason you're hurting is because you had so many good times, and you've gotta let that balance, you know? Like, the good with the bad. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I really believe that.

And when you've broken off a relationship, some people go for a rebound, and go with someone crappy just to get by, but I've never experienced that. When you loose somebody, you go for somebody better, and step it up. Not to say that the person is of higher quality, but someone better for you. That's the important thing. So each progressive relationship has the potential to be a richer experience than the last, because you're more experienced, and you know what you're going for, and what you want.

I guess my final thought for now on this topic is that these two people who have broken up are both in college with me right now, and really, what better time to be single, you know? And have a chance to meet new people, and experience new things, and live different aspects of life with different people. What an opportunity that is. That's worth something.

That's all I've got for now. Do with it what you will. Actually, if you read through all that, I'm surprised. I've neglected to proof read or anything, and it's mainly a big unorganized rant. You're a special kind of person. Go get a cookie. You deserve it.

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