Friday, September 29, 2006

Google Maps

Here are a few tidbits of interest from Google Maps. I did not find any of them myself, and the first one was a slashdot article:

50 meter bug attacking German countryside

Escher in Boston

Escher in Dallas

iPod in Australia

If you have any more, please comment!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Overseas, ya dumb broad

I just heard a girl here say that she was abroad last semester. It struck me funny that she would call herself a broad.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Man Who Saved The World

Actually, a tidbit for you today, I came across this article as I was procrastinating just now. What luck for you!

This is a story about a man who saved the world
. It probably happens fairly often, but that's beside the point. Read it, think about it, and feel free to join the author and myself(separately) in raising a glass to this Russian dude.

Apple Tech Support Update

Okay, an update on my Apple tech support issues, and a brief review, because I don't actually remember if I talked about this here before:

I had an issue with my battery not wanting to charge on my MacBook, and I had an issue with the plastic becoming discolored, so I called Apple Tech Support. I was pretty pleased, the guy walked me through some things to try, and said if I brought my mac into an Apple Store, they'd replace the plastic. Sweet.

Present day:

The battery problem has gotten worse. I can't actually get it to charge at all, or at least register a charge. So...

I call tech support again, and tell the guy. He gives me ok news...says to bring it to a service center and they'll check it out. If it's a battery, they might be able to trade it out, maybe not. If it's the laptop, they'll have to ship it out, probably.

At first I was kinda upset. I can not work without my lappy. I bought a freakin Apple, and now my stuff has to be shipped out, and I miss it for a week. Crap. But then I realized that even if I bought a HP or a Sony, I'd still have to shit it out for service. So anyway. I'm a bit miffed, but what can I do? Overall, I'm very pleased with apple's tech support people. They don't treat you like a moron, and they seem to know what they're talking about. Life goes on.

Lots more to talk about, it's a hectic week, but I'll leave it at this.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hoh hoh hoh! Le boh, Le boh!

Wirelessly-enabled Wine Glasses. These make me think of a few situations...

First off, you're spending a quiet night at home, and you've got one of the wine glasses, and your lover has the other in like...I don't know, some shit hole...France...and suddenly, your wine glass starts lighting up, and for like, you know, an hour or something, your wine glass is like a light show. So you get curious, and call your lover overseas, after dealing with some French operator, and she's totally out of breath, and drunk, and after talking to her for like, a minute, you hear Jacques in the background asking where his pantaloons are. Heh...ok.

Story of My Life

Story of My Life

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Two Revelations

I realized something today as I was walking to class:

This campus (Miami Oxford) is covered in benches. Like, good, 5 foot concrete benches. And the place is chock full of ledges too. Like, 6", 2', 3', 4', whatever. Lots of em. All over. And not a single one is waxed up for skating. Now, I was never good enough to really use a ledge higher than 6 inches, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the talents skills of those who can. And the culture that comes with skating, where is that?

A second realization, which occurred yesterday:

I used to have a class with a blond girl named Becky. She was blond. I was walking to class and I pass this girl in a pink top, blond, huge-ass tacky sunglasses on, and I'm like, Woah, that was Becky! I should have said something! Okay, so I keep walking to class, and I pass another girl with a pink top, blond, huge-ass sunglasses. Looks just like Becky. Leaving class with Jon driving, another Becky. And another Becky.

Now, blonds basically look the same, but the way everyone dresses exactly the same, with the same style, same brands, same's not cool, but to the point where I can't tell if two people are the same or not...not cool double-style. Not that I'm the most observant dude in the world. Maybe it's just me.

The Departure of Summer

To me, today is the first day of fall. Now, the official first day of fall might be any day, who knows, but I use the scientific method to determine it properly:

  • This morning was chilly

  • All the girlies are dressed in tacky winter clothing

  • A squirrel with some kind of neurotic condition was yelling at me this morning

With all these facts, who can deny that summer is over, and fall has begun? In some ways, I am sad to see summer go. For one, it will be winter soon, and it will snow, and Oxford probably takes care of their snow and parking situation like royal morons, which means I'll have to park in somebody's lawn and get towed. Also, all the light and fun summer clothes go away in place of stupid boots and bubbly jackets and whatever other retarded shit comes into style this season.

Despite that, fall is my favorite season! It's chilly, but not cold enough to where you don't want to go for a walk or something. All the leaves turn pretty colors, and although the leaves get skimpy, the animals are still out, which makes them easier to see, which is cool. Also, fall only contains one holiday that I mildly don't like: Halloween. Things are good.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Arch Nemesis

I just realized that if I had a really good arch-enemy, I would never have to admit responsibility for failure. Just, whenever something went wrong, I'd raise up my fist to the sky, shake it, and yell "Mendoza!!!" or whatever my nemesis' name was. It would also be sweet. Hell, failing with an arch-enemy would be cooler than succeeding without one.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Good Day / Bad Day

How I Feel Some Mondays

But not today!!! Today I recieved two separate compliments! One on my shirt, and one on my ears. Okay, the ear one was probably just me being made fun of, but sometimes a little compliment can turn your whole day around!

The day that was turned around started out shitty when I arrived at campus. They've had this big sign up for a month now that says that 'blah blah' street will be closed and there will be no parking. Fine. I don't care. So I get there today, and MY street is closed. MY street. The sign didn't say MY street. It said another street. So why is my street closed?

Now, I'm not a picky bastard. I'll park where I can. But this was a problem, because MY street is the only street that I can park on without a campus pass, which I do not have. So I park at Shriver, and get a warning for parking there. That means next time I park there it's a ticket for me. How long will MY street be closed? I don't know, but it better be ok tomorrow, because I need to get my park on again.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Baggie Full Of Massage Oil

I'm making my way through Futurama, and so far, the best episode I've seen is Parasites Lost. I'm going to wager a nickle that they don't beat it in the next 2 seasons, and it goes down as the best episode ever. Go ahead, call me a hopeless romantic. I'll wait until you're asleap and key the shit out of your car.

Monday Monkey Lives For The Weekends

I'm procrastinating tonight, so I figured a good way to be efficient would be to write in my blog here. I'm not sure if anyone actually reads this anymore, but if you don't, I hate you! Haha! Lousy bastard.

Just an update on the semester. Things are going well. I only have one class where the homework is really bad (the class is kinda bad too). I've been hanging out in Oxford a lot more thanks to Jon and Sheena. We went out a little bit this weekend and did a small amount of partying, which was cool. They have a lot of Oxford friends, being real Oxford students, so it's neat to meet all the people and buildings they know.

Other than that, everything is mellow, which isn't bad for the start of a semester.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'm not rude, I'm just not from the 1400s

People sneeze. It's because they get little pollen bits in their noses, so far as I know. So you get pollen in your nose, sneeze, and the pollen goes out. Problem solved.

A lot of people hear someone sneeze, and they say 'Bless You'. This made sense back when people thought that sneezing was because the person had demons in their head. Since, oh, you know, the end of the dark ages, however, we know that's not quite true (or at least it's not related to sneezing). So why do people still say it? Hell if I know. When people cough, you don't say something, like, 'Sorry you're coughing, mate'. You just shut up and let them cough, and if they do it a long time you ask them if they're dying, or tell them to leave, or something like that.

So, point of this rant: when you sneeze, and I don't give you a blessing, it's not because I'm rude. Shit...I don't even have authority to bestow blessings, generally speaking. It's because how, when, where, and why you choose to clean dirt and pollen from your nose is not really my concern.

Take it easy.