Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Two Revelations

I realized something today as I was walking to class:

This campus (Miami Oxford) is covered in benches. Like, good, 5 foot concrete benches. And the place is chock full of ledges too. Like, 6", 2', 3', 4', whatever. Lots of em. All over. And not a single one is waxed up for skating. Now, I was never good enough to really use a ledge higher than 6 inches, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the talents skills of those who can. And the culture that comes with skating, where is that?

A second realization, which occurred yesterday:

I used to have a class with a blond girl named Becky. She was blond. I was walking to class and I pass this girl in a pink top, blond, huge-ass tacky sunglasses on, and I'm like, Woah, that was Becky! I should have said something! Okay, so I keep walking to class, and I pass another girl with a pink top, blond, huge-ass sunglasses. Looks just like Becky. Leaving class with Jon driving, another Becky. And another Becky.

Now, blonds basically look the same, but the way everyone dresses exactly the same, with the same style, same brands, same's not cool, but to the point where I can't tell if two people are the same or not...not cool double-style. Not that I'm the most observant dude in the world. Maybe it's just me.

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