Monday, September 11, 2006

Good Day / Bad Day

How I Feel Some Mondays

But not today!!! Today I recieved two separate compliments! One on my shirt, and one on my ears. Okay, the ear one was probably just me being made fun of, but sometimes a little compliment can turn your whole day around!

The day that was turned around started out shitty when I arrived at campus. They've had this big sign up for a month now that says that 'blah blah' street will be closed and there will be no parking. Fine. I don't care. So I get there today, and MY street is closed. MY street. The sign didn't say MY street. It said another street. So why is my street closed?

Now, I'm not a picky bastard. I'll park where I can. But this was a problem, because MY street is the only street that I can park on without a campus pass, which I do not have. So I park at Shriver, and get a warning for parking there. That means next time I park there it's a ticket for me. How long will MY street be closed? I don't know, but it better be ok tomorrow, because I need to get my park on again.

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