Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Departure of Summer

To me, today is the first day of fall. Now, the official first day of fall might be any day, who knows, but I use the scientific method to determine it properly:

  • This morning was chilly

  • All the girlies are dressed in tacky winter clothing

  • A squirrel with some kind of neurotic condition was yelling at me this morning

With all these facts, who can deny that summer is over, and fall has begun? In some ways, I am sad to see summer go. For one, it will be winter soon, and it will snow, and Oxford probably takes care of their snow and parking situation like royal morons, which means I'll have to park in somebody's lawn and get towed. Also, all the light and fun summer clothes go away in place of stupid boots and bubbly jackets and whatever other retarded shit comes into style this season.

Despite that, fall is my favorite season! It's chilly, but not cold enough to where you don't want to go for a walk or something. All the leaves turn pretty colors, and although the leaves get skimpy, the animals are still out, which makes them easier to see, which is cool. Also, fall only contains one holiday that I mildly don't like: Halloween. Things are good.

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