Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Big Dave's Guide To Football

Football is the great American passtime, and with the winter weather upon us, there's never been a better time than now to start playing this wonderful sport. Football is challenging, good exercise, and a great way to compete with people. But how to get started? You're going to need some equipment first off, so head down to your local sports store:

Football Helmet - This is the first piece of equipment you need, and the most important. It is easy to be injured in football due to the nature of the game, and people smashing into each other. Not only that, but your helmet indicates which team you play for, so you need one that's got a good name and a stylish logo. The helmet will also come with a mouth guard tied to it with some kind of string, which is also important so that your teeth stay well aligned and safe. In the past, leather was the preferred material for football helmets, but now people generally buy real helmets. The choice is yours.

Neck Brace - The neck brace is the second most important piece of equipment a foot ball player can have, because it keeps the neck from getting all broken. Just make sure you buy the right size. It should be the same as your collar, or neck.

Pads - Football is a game of fast action and contact, so the more pads you have, the more action you can take. Just remember that this will be a trade off, because if you wear too many pads, you don't know what is going on around you because you are sheltered from the outside world. Some of the best pros play with no pads at all so that they can tell where they are being tackled and if the ball has hit them.

A Football - Not every player needs their own football, but if you all show up without one, then you can only play a game like touch football, or red rover, which are also pretty cool. So be the big man or woman, and show up with your own ball to ensure that the game can go on. Footballs are made out of pig skin, which is why they are sometimes called a pig skin. Also, they are filled with different material to determine how they throw. If you are a beginner, get one filled with yarn or threat. Advanced players usually have ones filled with clay or yams.

Now that you've got the right gear, here's how to play the game:

Football consists of two teams of 12 players each. The players start by vollying for serve. This is done by each team getting to their opposing side of the field, and one team throws the ball into the middle. The first team to get the ball wins the serve.

Now, both teams line up in the middle of the field, with the serving team having the ball. Most of the players will be called Line Backers, and they will line up facing another player from the other team. The two special players on each team are the Quarterback, who throws the ball the first time, and the runner.

Football is a game of strategy as well as strength. When the players are all lined up, with the quarterback behind the line of people, the quarterback must make a strategy. There are several coded commands he can give to tell what the game will be like. These terms are as follows:

Blue 22 - This means that the runner must run from one side of the field to the other. This tricks the other team if he is fast enough, because he will be somewhere unexpected, giving him the upper hand.

Hut - This is like 'pass', in that nobody does anything, but wait for the ball to get thrown.

Blue 17 - This is a throwing move, where the quarterback will throw the ball to an open player.

Set - This means that the player will set the ball on the ground, and charge forward to try and get an extra tackle.

Blue 42 - This is a dodge move, where the players will try to get past the other players and get to the other side

Down - This means everyone get crouched down low for the attack.

Hike - This is when the player throws a short throw to another player to catch the ball.

Omaha - This is an offensive move, where the players will try to push the other players to one side and get through.

These are most of the commands used, but not all. When it is time for the round to begin, this is called a 'play', and the quarterback will yell one or more of these commands. Some examples are as follows:

Hut, Hut, Hike - This is a basic strategy where the quarterback tries to fool the other team with two passes, then makes a quick throw to another player.

Blue 22, Blue 22 - This is a stealth strategy that can only be used if the runner is fast. This means to run across the field twice, to try and evade the other team so they have no idea where you are. Then, the time is right for a pass.

Down, Blue 42, Set - This means to get down on the attack, hit the players hard, and just ignore the ball. This is more of an advanced move which might leave the ball vulnerable, but can be worth it if you tackle all the other players.

Once you have a strategy set, yell it out, and everyone will do what you've said. There are 5 ways to score in football, and you need to keep them all in mind to get the most poinst:

The most common score is 7 points for a touchdown. This is when you run the ball all the way to the other side of the field.

When you make a touchdown, you also get a chance for another point, called the kick. This is where one player holds the ball, and another player kicks it, charlie-brown style. This gets you one more point if you make it.

The down is another way to score, where if the other team can't score for 4 tries, then you automatically score 3 points

The punt is another score, where you kick the ball to the other side of the field for three points. This is a good play, but not as good as a touchdown.

Finally, the tackle is where some of the players slip past the other players, and tackle the guy with the ball for one point. If this is done enough times, then the ball goes to the other team.

Football is divided into two sections, called halves, and each half is 45 minutes. After both halves, the team with the highest score wins! If there is a tie, then everyone keeps playing until someone gets more points.

There you have it, your introduction to Football, American style! Not everyone can be a MVP, but everyone can have fun, as long as you play smart, and safe. Enjoy!

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