Friday, November 30, 2007

File Names

I get a lot of homework, and messages, and documents, and files from all kinds of people. It's easy to tell who uses what for their OS based just on file names, and I mean more than *.exe being a windows file:

Pretend you have a set of slides for chapter 13 of some class you're teaching...
Mac people will give their files good names, and generally use proper case. A mac file might be:
Chapter 13 - Algorithmic Classifications

A Windows person would name the same file:
chpt13.ppt or CHPT13algcls.ppt or something like that.

And then a Linux person would just name it:
_13chpt$T4ht2@.perl.bak_@@ or some crazy goofy crap like that, and the entire presentation would be given in emacs.

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