Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christian Radio Boycott

This marks the fourth consecutive week that I have contacted local Christian radio stations with information from my dreams, given to me by God, that the world was going to end on Tuesday. This also marks the fourth week in a row that my warnings have gone unheeded by said stations, who refuse to air the news of the second coming. Granted, my previous predictions of rapture proved to be not 100% accurate, but that doesn't make the messages given to me in my dreams any less real or important.

In light of this refusal and show of ignorance by Christian radio, I have been given no choice, but to institute a boycott of all Christian radio until the End of Days.

It will not be easy to remove this massive source of quality entertainment and education from my daily life, but I am a man of strong will and stamina, so I will prevail.

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