Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006

Action Report: Clearasil Oil Control Face Wash

I'm bringing you this special report on Clearasil Oil Control Face Wash because I care about you, the reader.

I went to Kroger with Amber this weekend, and she had coupons for Clearasil products. We purchased two at the discounted price, because the little pieces of paper told us to. It has been 2 days since this purchase, and I have carefully evaluated the Oil Control Face Wash: It is soap.

I do not recommend this product unless you have too much money, and need to spend extra money on soap. If this is the case, please mail your extra money to me, and I will see that it is spent accordingly. That is all.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Education For You!

Wow. What a large, white, SUV. That's a nice healthy spattering of bumper stickers you have there. You're proud to be an American? Good for you! And you voted for Bush in '04? There's something to be proud of. Oh, and I see one that says you like rodeos too! Hmm...Let me see if I can explain this in imbecile's terms:

I'm not sure how people drive in Texas, other than 'like morons', but we have a few guidelines here in Ohio that make driving a little easier.

I don't expect you to be observant when you drive, lord no, but while you're piloting that giant white death-machine around, you might take a moment to glance at the road, and notice that when you are pulling up to a stop light, there's a white stripe that goes across the street. You're supposed to stop at that line. At. Not 6 feet back, although I can't complain about that. Not 6 feet in front of it so that nobody can see around your god damned bronco so they know if it's safe to turn. At. Now I know it's easy to hear the word 'at' and think I mean 'pull up until your tires are on the line, and you're blocking the cross walk'. Those two things sound very much alike. And it makes sense too, right? What is the cross walk for anyway? Crossing the street? Walking? Nonsense! But there are subtle differences. And 'at' is such a small word with so many meanings, who knows what it could really indicate? Well, it means 'Stop blocking the intersection so I can't turn, you dough faced banshee.'

Once you're 'at' that line, and stopped, do this for me: Fuck with the radio, and keep edging forward. Do it. Bend down, mess with the dials, don't look at the road, and edge forward. I'm not trying to look around you. I just want to see if you have more stickers on your front bumper. Do you? Do you? I can't see. Pull up a little more and fuck with the radio. Do it. That's good. Don't look up. Just edge forward. If you can get an extra 3 feet into the intersection, you'll get home sooner, oh I promise you will. I promise. Edge forward 3 feet. Thank you. Thank you, yes, that was what I wanted. My day is complete, I can do my finger exercises now. Here, look over here. Look over here while I do my finger exercises. I hope you look, because I'm doing them as hard as I can. In some countries, the fingers I am extending are a sign of greeting...yes...yes that's what I'm doing. But don't let me bother you. Edge forward more, and fuck with the radio. I don't need to see around you so I can turn safely, I'll just do my finger exercises more.

I'm actually fairly happy today :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Wonka: Service Announcement

I can't figure out how to use the Global Broadcast feature on the phones at work or I'd announce it there, but this is the next best place:

I believe Gobstoppers have gotten smaller. Their diameter appears to be reduced. This probably happened some time in the last 3 to 5 years. If you have more information, please contact me. That is all.

I would link you to the Wonka candy website, but it's a piece of crap.


Go there if you hate life.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Bush Singing "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"

I was going to save this for later, but go ahead and double up on video clips today:

This is a clip of our wonderful president singing U2's 'Sunday, Bloody Sunday'. It's good to finally see him speaking out against the war. Seriously, check it out:

Google Video can be a little tempermental. If you're on a slow connection, when the video starts, pause it, and wait for it to load completely.

Hummer H2 Sucks

This video made my day. Check it out:

And if you're dumb enough to own a H2, take a hint from these guys. Don't try driving it over a bunch of rocks. Just drive it strait into the ocean.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I Quit

At work today, I told one person that I am not going to be working there next semester. By telling one person, I have effectively told everyone.

It's a good move. I'll have less spending cash, but I can concentrate on school, and take more classes, and graduate sooner, which is what I want. I don't need all kinds of crazy cash right now. I just need to get through being an undergrad.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Recipe: Peanut Butter

You will need:
Some peanuts
1 Mouth

1. Put peanuts in mouth
2. Chew

Serve by swallowing.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hats of Authority

Some of the dumbest hats I have ever seen were hats of authority. Those english bobbies? Tell me those hats aren't totally rediculous. And what's the function?

German army hats, or maybe they're from Argentina or something, you know, the ones with the spear tip on top. What's the point of that? Is it like a little trophy? Or is it like incase somebody falls from the sky, like a Death From Above type move, and you're underneath?

How about the hats the state troopers wear? Are those hats specifically designed to make you look like a dick? Yes. The answer to that question is 'yes'.

Very few people can pull off a hat, in general, if you ask me. Samuel L. there's a guy who can wear a hat. Baseball players, they're probably asses, but they too can pull off the hat. Me, eh. Not so much.

Anyway. That's just what was on my mind. Why do people wear hats? I guess wearing some hats make people easier to recognize. In general, I think all that had money should go to the Small Childrens Fund.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tuesday Updates

Okay, so an update on the bird: It's dead. My guess is that it was just in the fireplace too long before we got to it, and it was too far gone. Also, my brother had the brilliant idea to put it back in the fireplace for some reason. So it's dead. Sorry chimney bird. I tried.

Today on the way to class, I went to Wendy's. The burger joint. So I'm trying to pull into the entrance, and some bastard in a big white pickup (one of those double wide back tire models for people who need more attention because they're otherwise lame) is blocking the entire entrance. Now, idiots will be idiots, and this is nothing new. If I had a dollar for every time some moron in a huge vehicle blocked an entrance, I'd, thousands of dollars per day, for just the U.S. But this moron acts all fed up, and throws his head around, and motions for me to keep going.

Fuck you buddy.

I waited. He acted more fed up, and pulled out. I hope he dies in the street under his own truck.

That's all the hate I have in my heart for today. Not really, but that's all I care to share with the likes of you.

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Bad Day For Animals

Last night, my dog Jake found two baby bunnies in the yard, and killed them.

This morning, I was sitting next to the fireplace working on some homework, and I heard a fluttering from the fireplace. We have chimney birds (birds that build a nest in our chimney every year), and one of the birds had gotten down into the fireplace. I left for class, hoping that it was one of the adult birds, and that it would find its way back up, but when I got home, it was still there. It was a baby bird.

So Rob took it out into the yard, and tried to make it fly...but it wouldn't fly... so we brought it in, gave it some water, and put it in a box. Now it's in the box.

I hope my brother gets home soon, because I have NO idea what to do with tiny animals, other than look at them.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Student Offices

I was the school vice president in the 8th grade, but I never ran for any kind of office in Highschool, nor do I have any interest in college.

In gradeschool, I was too young for my mind to work, but it was cool because we were the first class-anythings ever. We created the system. Built it from the ground up. Laid the pipes and boundaries, and set the roads and the path into the future and all that crap.

In don't see the appeal. Unless you're a prick with aspirations to be a political something or other, or you want to get into harvard and they think that you being the class president actually means something (other than that you are a prick...which might be a prerequisite for harvard...I don't know), what's the point? You don't really get any power, and so you don't really get any opportunity to make a's just a popularity contest. And that's what it was. At least at my highschool.

In college, things are too big to generally know the people you're voting for (at least from my experience), so it's just like real life, you vote for some person who doesn't care about you and is going to screw you over if they get any gain from it. I'm not voting for an asshole of the future.

Anyway, the point of this post...were you ever in student council, or whatever they called it at your school? Were you the treasurer? Because seriously, what the hell does the treasurer do? Keep track of bake sale funds? Seriously? Somebody else keeps track of that stuff. What's the deal?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Going Mobile

For the past month or so, I've been looking at notebook computers, because I need one for school. My requirements were 2.0Ghz Dual Core or faster, upgradeable to atleast 2GB of RAM, DVD burner, and small. In the end, I found three makers who had anything for me:

Gateway had a nice laptop that met my criteria for $1500
Sony had a nice laptop that met my criteria for just over $2000
Apple has the MacBook which met my criteria at $1250

Now, if we were back in the days when Apple was still using the Power PC architecture, they would not have been in the running at all. I don't buy crap. But...OSX beats the living hell out of Windows Vista or whatever they're calling it now. That, coupled with built-in bluetooth, a built-in webcam...well...they sold me. I'm getting a Mac.

I've been called a traitor a lot for it, but I don't see it. If gateway offered the same thing for the same price, would I have gone with apple? Probably not. I hate their following of trendy pricks, and anyone who walks to class listening to an iPod should have the earbuds beaten out of their damn skull. Just for that, they don't deserve my money, but I'm not spending an extra $250 to get a PC with less features just to stick it to Apple. I'll go to one of their apple stores and steal something to even things out.

So my new notebook should arrive, hopefully, by the end of the week, which is good, because I have to start programming, and I don't want to lug the 17" laptop around that I've been using.

Additionally, being a student, and getting a MacBook, there is a deal where you get $30 off the iPod, and an additional $179 rebate, so Rob is getting an iPod. Once again...if the price wasn't right, would we have gone with iPod? Probably not. I actually like the offerings of Samsung and Creative a bit more than apple, but at $89 for a 30GB iPod? Gotta do it. Hell, if we could get two, I would have gotten one for myself.

Trip to Philly

This 4th of July weekend, Amber and I took a trip to Pittsburg to see our friends Sheena and Jon. They are the couple who got us started with warcraft. Other than seeing Sheena and Jon, I will highlight the major points of the trip:
  • Getting a tour of Sheena's parents new super-massive house... with stables, tennis court, barns, 10 acres...
  • Napping and watching TV
  • Going downtown to try fancy Belgian Ale at a couple of bars
  • Napping
  • Setting off fireworks
  • Eating Boxtys for breakfast
We also got to meet one of her sisters and her boyfriend, and they were both very cool. It helps, because now when she talks about the girl who broke her arm, I can picture her properly.

We took a few pictures, but I realized just now we didn't actually take pictures of people, so they're kinda dull. There are two pictures with Amber on a tree, but that's about the extent of things. Anyway, if I find a place to post pictures, I'll link.