Monday, July 10, 2006

A Bad Day For Animals

Last night, my dog Jake found two baby bunnies in the yard, and killed them.

This morning, I was sitting next to the fireplace working on some homework, and I heard a fluttering from the fireplace. We have chimney birds (birds that build a nest in our chimney every year), and one of the birds had gotten down into the fireplace. I left for class, hoping that it was one of the adult birds, and that it would find its way back up, but when I got home, it was still there. It was a baby bird.

So Rob took it out into the yard, and tried to make it fly...but it wouldn't fly... so we brought it in, gave it some water, and put it in a box. Now it's in the box.

I hope my brother gets home soon, because I have NO idea what to do with tiny animals, other than look at them.

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